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Markman is a pirate on the Midnight Ocean, currently a senior officer with the crew, Collateral Damage. He entered the game in 2005, with the crew Silver Sails. Markman married fellow crewmate Midoriko on the 14th June 2006, in a ceremony held by the current High Sea Hornets captain, Bisy.

Crew History

Markman entered Puzzle Pirates with Silver Sails in 2005, rising to the rank of fleet officer. After a period of time as fleet officer, he then moved to The Black Navy and became a fleet officer there.

Later he left The Black Navy to join a new crew formed by his hearty, Azhrei. This crew was called the Reject Society. Markman did well here, rising to senior officer rank. Later he was made captain of the crew, as Azhrei moved on to another crew.

Markman then left the Reject Society to form his own crew with Midoriko, The Unforgiving Winds. This move involved creating a new crew, and then merging the remnants of Reject Society into it. Recently, The Unforgiving Winds has merged with Collateral Damage, where Markman currently holds the position of senior officer.

Flag History

Markman has been under four flags in his lifetime on Puzzle Pirates. Raptus Regaliter, Death's Passing, Phobos Et Deimos and Fluffy Bits. He was only ever royalty in one flag, Death's Passing.