List of known Cursed Isle words
From YPPedia
Cursed Isles outpost names are randomly generated, based on words from several pools, and take one of two different forms.
- Form one: Adjective Noun1 of Noun2
- Example: Eerie Atoll of Insanity
- Form two: Noun1 of Noun2 and Noun2
- Example: Pinnacle of Discord and Insanity
[hide]List of known Adjective terms
- Desolate
- Dread
- Eerie
- Foreboding
- Ominous
- Unnatural
List of known Noun1 terms
- Atoll
- Cove
- Haven
- Island
- Isle
- Islet
- Pinnacle
- Redoubt
- Reef
- Shoals
List of known Noun2 terms
- Anarchy
- Chaos
- Danger
- Darkness
- Delirium
- Dementia
- Depravity
- Despair
- Discord
- Dread
- Fear
- Fright
- Horror
- Insanity
- Loathing
- Misery
- Nightmares
- Pandemonium
- Terror
- Tumult