Lime Legionnaires
Lime Legionnaires at a Glance | |
Viridian Ocean | |
Last Captain | Raechel |
Senior Officer(s) | Baggabones, Surlymermaid |
Politics | Oligarchic |
Shares | Even |
Flag Affiliation | RiddleMakers |
Founded | 6 August, 2007 |
Dormant or disbanded as of 30 July, 2008 | |
Crew Info | |
Lime Legionnaires' is a fresh 'n' fruity new crew of RiddleMakers, formed by Baggabones, Surlymermaid and Raechel. Young and bursting with potential, the crew is growing in fame at a steady pace.
Crew Rules
1) Be kind. Well, yeah. No fallyouties. If there’s a feud you have to settle, please don’t do it over crew chat.
2) Try not to be dormant if you have a high rank (officer and above). If you’re leaving or going away for a little while please post a newsy.
3) Do the best to help your crew and flag. We may be new but we need to get somewhere :D
Promotion Requirements
Pirate: Once you have a pirate badge to be able to gain the benefits of this position, you can team well and work at two stations well will we promote yah. Ask a SO or the captainfor this.
Officer: For this you need officer badgeness, a solid in three piracy skills (preferably sailing, bilge and carp), the ability to bnav fairly well, and to have been here at LEAST three weeks.
Fleet Officer: Officer badge, at least one ship (doesn’t matter what), a solid in four piracy skills and the ability to bnav well.
Senior Officer: With special permission only. Please don’t ask to be this. This is for those of who the captain knows he can trust and know they will help the best they can. For this, ranking doesn’t really matter. This is keeping the crew together. The captain doesn’t care if you were an SO in a past crew, he doesn’t care who you were, it’s who you’ll be for us.
Captain: Lol. The captain might move down to SO at one point but we’ll see how it goes. Only another SO would be his successor, most certainly one of the founders.
Thanks and enjoy your day.
Join the flag forum at
If you have any queries concerning this crew, please inform either Raechel, or Baggabones.