Legendary Gryphons

From YPPedia
Legendary Gryphons at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Monarch Zalinox of xXdArkSkuLLsXx
Member crew(s) xXdArkSkuLLsXx, Fuertzo Condina
Founded 19 January, 2007
Dormant as of 31 March, 2009
Favicon.png Flag Info

Legendary Gryphons was a flag on the Viridian Ocean founded in the year 2007 on January 19th.

Public Statement

~*~No Human Eyes Can Match The Legendary Gryphons~*~

Captain Blackrival, founded this great mighty flag, The Legendary Gryphons on January 2007 where it will stay as high as it could be!

Regarding Royal and Titles spot...

From Jan 30th onwards, each newly crew who joined the flag will recieve a 2 Royalty spot and 2 titles.If a crew needed more than that, a crew can go ahead by donating an amount of 2k for 1 more title and 4k for 1 more royalty. However, if the royalty has not been active for more than one week without a valid reason, he or she will be a titled member. Remember, Once the royalty spot if given out on voting, there is no more refunding!

Blockades And Event Blockades:


WE are as helpful as others! WE help in blockades! WE do not bring our ships in! WE are happy to be jobbed! WE are siriously taking this task in blockades!

Event Blockades:

WE are happy to be jobbed for fun and awards! WE will also bring our own ship! WE will proctect our allies! WE will negociate the points!


The reason for our ally with a flag is to keep ourselves not LEFT OUT, keeps us busy with other flag's pilly, helping our allies in either Event Blockades or Blockades, and to achive a good partnership and relationship with one another.

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