Le Crocodile

From YPPedia
Le Crocodile at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Captain Rhapsodie
Senior Officer(s) Arimani, Bmorr, Destroctorz, Eevah, Glambert, Hijotoo, Linoko, Metalmate, Morlyn, Pokerstarperz, Qlive, Skyie Swordgryphon
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Antheas
Founded 4 June, 2010
Last updated on 28 July, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Le Crocodile.jpg

Some information

Le Crocodile is an up and coming crew, rising up the ranks of Puzzle Pirates. They are always a friendly crew and willing to chat, and are always looking for more pirates to join them in their quest for glory. Le Crocodile is the second main crew of the flag Antheas, next to the main crew Taking Flight. Le Crocodile's public statement is:

"Reality is an illusion brought on by lack of alcohol...No Solo's, I Don't Need Dead Heroes!"

Mozillas Revenge was merged with Le Crocodile in August 2010.

Extended public statement


  • Cabin person: for punishment only
  • Pirate: Upon joining.
  • Officer: Have broads in the piracy skills and will require an officer training test - the broads are bilge, sails/rigs, carp and gunning and of course an officer test.

For officer training ask any SO/FO about officer training

  • Fleet officer: Have 3 broads, 1 solid and a respected standing in piracy skills.

To become FO, should be in the crew for at least a week, have trust of the crew and know how to run a pilly. We are strict on new people being with us at least a week regardless of how good their stats are before being considered as FO so please don't ask for this rank on joining, prove you are worthy of it to us instead.

FOs are selected by capt and maority of SOs only

  • Senior officer: SOs are picked by the capt and current SOs, trust and respect by the crew are needed for this position. We will talk to you when we consider you ready for this.

However, should an SO be dormant or inactive for more than 4 weeks without telling the capt demotion to FO is possible while trust and respect of crew is earned again


1. Be kind about swearing... Just don't make any thing personal.

2. Please don't leave during a battle.

3. Obey your superior officers at all times.

4. Please wait till any ship you are on is in port before asking to join the crew or asking for promotion.

5. Ask for permission to board (PTB <ship name>) a ship before getting on. Do not hop onto a ship unless ye have requested to PTB and have been allowed. The exception to this rule are baglahs upwards because they are bigger ships and can't be pillied successfully with few peeps on board

6. Be respectful of each other. Crew success comes from teamwork. If you have any questions please ask any officer

7. When on a pilly, if u are lucky enough to win KB in a battle. On selling of the KB, divide the poe from that with your jobbers before they leave the ship. After all they helped u earn it, they deserve their share of the profit.

8. No begging in crew, it is extremely annoying to others and offensive to some


Our crew colours are white, blue and magenta

The crew hall is on Swampfen island.

lecrocodile.yolasite.com = our crewbie website - made by Metalmate

You can also find us with

/cwho Le Crocodile