Laughing My Argh Off

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Laughing My Argh Off at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Darkbeagle
Senior Officer(s) Wickedwinny
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation The Nerds of Sage
Founded 30 August, 2009
Dormant or disbanded as of 6 December, 2010

Laughing My Argh Off, or LMAO as it was also known, was a crew in the Sage Ocean. The captain of LMAO was Darkbeagle. It was founded on August 30, 2009.

Crew Info

LMAO was a fun loving crew, and would not be serious often, if at all. Darkbeagle, the captain, ran baghlah pillies often and planned to buy a sloop for the crew.


Because LMAO was a very new crew, it had not yet joined a flag. Its first flag would most likely be Widespread Panic, and they would remain in that flag until Darkbeagle created a flag, which would be named Death to Baldies!


LMAO used a points system based on stats for all ranks, senior officer excluded. This could be found in the crew's private statement.

Public Statement

Lol, and you thought LMAO meant something else xD.

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