Last Damned souls

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Last Damned souls at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Monarch Nolume of tajama's wrath
Member crew(s) tajama's wrath
Founded 26 January, 2009
dormant as of 11 September, 2011
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-Last Damned souls.jpg

Last Damned Souls is a flag on the Viridian Ocean.

About Last Damned Souls

The flag Last Damned Souls was created on the 26th of January, 2009 by Tajama, who was the flag's first monarch. The flag flies on the Viridian Ocean, and currently enjoys aspiring fame.

Public Statement

We are currently joining alliances with every flag to become a strong, stable army who with your help, will defeat all and take over islands, buildings, ships - you name it - and we'll become ocean wide famous.

Extended Public Statement

We do not plan war yet, as we wish to become strong and stable allied with every flag.

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