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Kylecoughlin was a pirate on the former Hunter Ocean. This pirate has been deleted.



Kylecoughlin started his pirate career as a pirate named Pengylvr. He kept jumping from crew to crew, trying to find friends, until he met up with a crew called Tiger Sharks. Kylecoughlin made friends with a senior officer named Yarrh. Yarrh became irritated with being a senior officer, and started his own crew and flag (along with some other former members of the crew Tiger Sharks). The crew was called Dragon's Booty. Pengylvr joined this new crew, as Yarrh was his good friend, and needed people to join him.

Once in this new crew, Pengylvr flourished, and soon gained enough respect and trust from his captain and best friend to become a senior officer. Unfortunately, Pengylvr's Puzzle Pirates account was hacked soon after this, and he was forced to make a new pirate. He wanted his new pirate name to be Awesomepersonthatsbetterthaneveryoneonthefaceofthisearthandotherearthsoutthereinthegalaxyandmaybeevenallthemarslikeplanets outtherecuzmarsiscoolandmightcontainaliensandaliensarecoolalsobutnotascoolasmeandmyawesomenessthateveryoneisjealousof, but it was too many letters, so he instead called himself a simple name, Kylecoughlin. Yarrh welcomed him back to the crew with open arms, having known him as his previous character.

While Kylecoughlin was serving as a senior officer for Dragon Booty, under captain Yarrh, the crew changed flags, joining Rebel Rousers. Kylecoughlin did not see much change from this change of flag, but was happy that his flag had grown bigger. He married the beautiful Yarwig, and they adopted a daughter, named Thumpes. They owned a row house at Death Row on Aimuari Island.

Sometime after this, and for reasons which are unknown, Kylecoughlin was demoted to the rank of fleet officer in his crew, Dragon's Booty.