Killer Angels

From YPPedia
Killer Angels at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Crystalangel
Senior Officer(s) Buzzlitebeer, Donniegirl, Sexiangel
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Wings of Fury
Founded 30 October, 2006
Last updated on 6 December, 2010
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Killer Angels is a crew on the Emerald Ocean which flies the flag Wings of Fury. They are a crew that likes to pillage and have fun. Join them and make some PoE. Also if a crew wishes to merge with them, they should just send a tell to a senior officer or the captain.


Originally known as Spirit of the Lord two, the crew has been under the command of many different captains. Originally, Spirit of the Lord two was a training crew. There would be NO pirates or cabin persons.

Later on Silverslayer took over Spirit of the Lord, Two. After a time he handed the reigns over to Crystalangel. The crew left Sword of Light and joined the flag Killer Instinct. Sword of light declared war on Killer Instinct because of a grudge against the Killer Angels. After the war, and to distance the crew from past members and the affiliation with the old flag, the crew name was changed to Killer Angels and the flag Wings of Fury was formed.


The Killer Angels grew to be a very large crew, over 200 members. However, that has since changed. The crew is now trying to rebuild its numbers and once again become a great crew.