Once upon a time the bright and witty Kalkia was tapped upon by her long-standing friend Thorantris to come out to the merry Cobalt sea with her on a pillage with the crew the Violent Femmes. A day or two into her new quest and trek Kalkia was bit by the bug and found her latest fixation within the oceans and islands of the great sea.
Climbing the ranks of the Violent Femmes, the merry band proved to be the most enjoyable crew that offered training for its members as well as a good time with laughter and fun for all to be had.
Making port in Kirin, Kalkia can sometimes be seen at the helm of her cutter the Outgoing Marlin but more often than not she is ransoming her skills to others as a skilled jobber or assisting her crewmates. For Kalkia the goal of Puzzle Pirates is not the wealth and fame but rather the fashion accessories as she is constantly saving up for the latest wardrobe acessory or for her new quest...
The Quest for the Very Big House.
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