Johnnyboypyr was once a pirate on the Sage Ocean.
[hide]Positions Held
- Former captain of the crew Irish Republican Pirates
- Former pirate of the crew Grudz Army.
- Former pirate of the crew Black Magic.
Greenie days
Johnnyboypyr started playing Puzzle Pirates when his cousin, Raidens, convinced him to. He joined the crew Black Magic, captained under Blackbarrt. He was very skilled at gunnery above everything else, and preferred playing poker than staying for long pillages. But Johnny wanted to be a captain, so he left Black Magic and went crew hopping for a while to save up for a captain's badge.
After he had the doubloons necessary, Raidens lent him a sloop so he could start his crew.
The Rise Of The Irish Republican Pirates
Johnnyboypyr started the crew Irish Republican Pirates on February 13th, 2007. It rose quickly to renowned fame, meanwhile Johnny was having trouble because he set the policy to democratic and it was hard to promote or expel. But soon the crew was set to autocratic to make things easier. Johnny was soon getting flag invites left and right and decided to stay with Bloody British Pirates for a brief time. He then quit the flag hoped to create his own.
This character has now gone dormant or has been deleted.