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Pirateivory has no portrait


Sequence was a pirate who sailed on the Viridian Ocean and put into port on Fintan Island. This pirate has been deleted.




After a year of no Puzzle Pirates play, Pirateivory returned to sail the seas once more only to find that her main pirate, Merissa, had been deleted. These things were to be expected. Thus, a new pirate had been born.

Sequence joined the crew Reality the very day she rejoined Puzzle Pirates. However, this new main pirate was soon forgotten for another year.

As a new summer started, Pirateivory returned the Puzzle Pirates seas, surprised to see Sequence still there. Sequence was always absent, and her crew would not remember her. It was time for Sequence to leave.


Merissa was an independent pirate on the Hunter Ocean. She lived on Chachapoya Island. Katexx was her roommate and best friend. This pirate has been deleted.

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