Ides of March

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Ides of March at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Jedilover
Senior Officer(s) Soljahjay
Shares Promotion Pays
Flag Affiliation Cry Havoc
Dormant or disbanded as of 6 December, 2005

Ides of March

During the play, Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene II, Caesar is confronted by a soothsayer, a fortuneteller you might say, who speaks to him from a crowded street. "Beware the Ides of March", says the soothsayer.

If only Caesar had listened, because on 15 March, 44 b.c., Caesar was murdered. The Ides of March is the 15th of March.......

Public Statement

Ides of March is an honorary member Crew of the flag Cry Havoc until they reach a status which allows them to fully join the flag. Do not be mistaken, this crew, the captain and officers are loyal members of the flag, and have the full backing of the Monarch of the flag in their endevour to found this crew.

"Cry Havoc and let slip the Dogs of War!!"