
From YPPedia

Guitarhobbit is currently a senior officer of Blitzkrige, a crew on Hunter. She is also princess of the flag Flash of Life.


Guitarhobbit started playing on Hunter because her friend Imrich suggested it. At first she skiped from crew to crew. But when Imrich made his own, The Richest Crew Around, she joined it. But when she got an offer to be the tour guide at the HQ of the flag Hunter's Elite, she quickly took it.

She stayed with the crew Alpha Elite for a long time until they merged it with the crew Delta Elite. She was a SO in that crew for a brief time when things suddenly became confusing and fighting between members became a regular thing. She quickly left when they left the flag Hunter's Elite. Somewhere in this time she got a pegleg in a blockade. She then went to the crew Kudzu to be with a friend named Paleblade who had been asking her to for a while. Then she left that crew and went to Solar Eclipse, but then decided she wanted to be independent and be free from superior officers. When she couldn't use her ships she decided to join another friend's crew called Blitzkreig.

She has always been in small crews/flags and is currently planning with her friend Terner to make a successful crew and flag. Guitarhobbit may not be a widely recognized at the moment but she hopes that will change soon! Her hopes are quite similar to all other pirates. She hopes to become an island governor one day.

Guitarhobbit has also started playing on the new ocean Malachite! She went on to check it out the first day it opened and is balancing her pirate career on Hunter and starting a new one on Malachite.

Awards & Accomplishments

  • Guitarhobbit got a pegleg after many blokades sometime in the middle of 2007
  • Bought Leg regenerating draught before a portrait she was having done for her anniversary on Puzzle Pirates
  • The pegleg came back after a trip to atlantis (in which the ship sank) with her friend GunnerMooch
  • Won White Starfish Trinket in Baleful Blades on May 9th 2008