
From YPPedia

Flameberge is an officer of the crew Lone Warriors and a member of the flag Collusion led by Wokbok on the Hunter Ocean.


Flameberge first started playing when his friend, Threeswords, introduced him to it. After learning all the basics, he started to join crews. But soon, despite getting high ranks, the crews that he joined were all small and new.

He started crew hopping until he found a particular crew, jorne's revenge II. He first started at this crew when he was jobbing. He attracted the captain, Jorne, when he single-handedly beat a brigand swabbie with help from a few pirates of course. Jorne, realising his potential, quickly invited him to join the crew as a full time member. Having no other crew then, Flameberge quickly accepted. Flameberge was instantly made an officer.

However, Flameberge decided that jorne's revenge II wasn't the best crew for him. He quickly contacted his friend, Firekirby who was the captain in his crew, Lone Warriors. He started his time as a pirate in the Lone Warriors. He has risen up to the rank of officer. This happened on the day The Eye blockaded Sayers Rock on 14 April 2007 (although his date would be 15 April as he lives in Asia). He was at the ship that was going to the blockade. That was the first time he had ever seen Fenrir, captain of the crew Odin's Demise and king of the flag The Eye.

Currently he is an officer of the crew Lone Warriors.

Personal Achievements

  • Won a sloop from The Eye before the Sayers Rock blockade
  • Saved jorne's revenge II from getting their booty taken when he beat a brigand
