Fire For Hire

From YPPedia
Fire For Hire at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Gothicdan
Senior Officer(s) Emochiik, Byt, Madhunter, Ironworks, Gangstarap
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Stella Maris
Dormant or disbanded as of 29 July, 2008

The crew Fire For Hire is mainly a mercinarie crew hense the name Fire For Hire. However we are currently Hired (but for how one knows)

We used to be rumored untill i (the captain gothicdan) had to leave due to equiptment malfunction the crew went down to aspiring then we finally got backup to rumored throught hard work. we will work hard untill establised where we will make are own flag..hopefully we will be among the other great flags. Well we will see you up there people!