FalconSDL is a pirate of many mysteries, he randomly says things, notably states what he did, is doing, or has done and why he leaves randomly on PuzzelPirates. One thing you will hear definitely in his pressence is the word LLaMa.
FalconSDL's Crew History
FalconSDL has been threw many crews, but in some, he has been abused and constantly /blackspot'ed for what he does i.e says llama alot.
Crews: FalconSDL's first ever crew was Blitzkrieg. He really didn't do much in that crew so he then signed up with a crew called Still Of The Night. A very nice crew, but never did anything, so he left for Bloody Mary's Revenge where he was blackspotted for saying llama alot, but the PoE was too great to leave. But in the end the amount of abuse that he was getting from his wretched captain Jellyphant, he quit. He is now in one of the nicest and most joyful crews in the ocean known as Gusari sa Jadrana witch is lead by Redbessie one of the nicest and best people you could know.
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