Extreme Pain (Hunter)

From YPPedia
Extreme Pain at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Last Monarch Laurentieen of Homeless Rejects
Member crew(s) Homeless Rejects
Founded 9 June, 2009
Relatively dormant as of 26 February, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-Extreme Pain.jpg

Extreme Pain is currently a relatively dormant flag on the Emerald Ocean.

Flag history

Extreme Pain was founded by Laurentieen on June 6th 2009.

Public statement

You disengage while up in score on a pvp? Say hello to my little friend.

We Bring Pain Across the ocean, our goals HUGE, out plans MIGHTY, our fun SPECTACULAR!!!


Royalty: Trusted Members only

Titled Members: All Captains (if not given Royalty) and 2 Captains Choices, the rest must be earned by helping the flag!

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