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demonites at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Demontiger
Senior Officer(s) Khross
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation TIZZYDT
Founded 10 January, 2006
dormant as of 31 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

demonites is a crew that sails the Viridian Ocean. It flies the flag of TIZZYDT. The crew is currently dormant.

History of demonites

demonites was founded on 10 January, 2006.

Public Statement

We are the demonite's. Our mission is to pillage and earn poe. We stand by our fellow flaggies and allies. We are small and hope to grow.

Promotion Requirements

If ye join us are ranking is as follows.

  • Pirate: automatic when you join. Practice gunning.
  • Officer: Have and officers badge and keep it current. Recruit members to the crew. Show me you can Bnav. If you do not know how practice with the navy. Have at least 3 broads in sf'ing, gunning, bilge, sails, carp., battle navigation. Own your own ship.
  • Fleet Officer: Be an Officer in the crew for at least 2 weeks. Prove you can bnav. Have your own ship. Have all broads or above. And have my trust. And continue recruiting. Own your own ship.
  • Senior Officer: will only be promoted to this by me. You will have to have my total trust. Prove to be loyal. Continue recruiting. Own your own ship with above broad in all piracy skills.
  • Captain: No One will get to be this but myself in this crew.

Crew poem

We are the Demonites,
Demonites are we
We build with the strength of demons
and explode in battle with the might of dynomite
Let us build with demon strength
and and battle to the top
For we are the demonites,
the demonites are we

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