Deep Yellow

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Deep Yellow at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Haradore (dormant)
Senior Officer(s)
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation none
Dormant or disbanded as of 23 January, 2006

The standard and motto of Deep Yellow, the name symbolic of experience. Deep Yellow, founded by Haradore, was one of the crews that was sailing the night of Sage's release. It received many flag offers, and rejected most, but sailed under the flag The Light Brigade. Deep Yellow was largely based on Lincoln Island, where the "Deep Yellow Bungalellow," the crew's official meeting place, can be found. The crew is not from another ocean; it originated, and all its members and affiliations were completely initiated in Sage.

Public Statement

Gunsmoke on the Water, Cannonfire in the Sky


Cortina, the crew's current first mate, met Haradore on one of Deep Yellow's first pillages. She did not immediately join the crew, but became Haradore's hearty for future jobs. She later joined the crew while it struggled to establish itself on Sage, despite the setback of the captain's relative inactivity of that time. She was soon after promoted to senior officer and assigned the title and responsibilities of First Mate.

News and Issues

The booty shares of Deep Yellow are, have always been, and will be throughout the forseeable future, Even, with a restocking cut of 25%. Officers are not expected to give any portion of this to the crew. The politics are currrently oligarchic, but started autocratic, and may return to such at some point.