Death by Tampon

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Death by Tampon at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Multo
Senior Officer(s) Gerryman, Hijtey, Nakourou, Purringluliz, Relly, Shuvel
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Sea Wrath
Founded 8 July, 2008
merged into illusion as of 4 November, 2008
Favicon.png Crew Info

This crew has been merged into the crew illusion.

Death by Tampon is a crew sailing the Viridian Ocean, it was created by Multo on the 8th July 2008.

Public Statement

Wreaking oceanic havoc--a few days each month.

Extended Public Statement

We're a crew out only to have fun. No political ambitions and have no aspirations to be the greatest or best crew cause we know inside our heads we ARE the best.

Crew activities are: rum bonging, bobbing for skulls, deck dancing, lazing and more rum bongs-the three pronged kind. And we do not use hemp for fiber.