Daring Damsels

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Daring Damsels at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Eillem
Senior Officer(s) Alert, Bubs, Egidius, Leiana, Morganelle, Nedra
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Anchor Management
Founded 26 January, 2008
Merged with Midnight Maniaks as of 5 February, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

Daring Damsels was a crew that sailed the Midnight Ocean. It was founded on January 26, 2008 and flew the Anchor Management flag.


This crew of mainly tough women was founded by three pirates who were determined to put together a strong crew. They enjoy and love Spades, dock tarting, running stalls, and shooting barbarians. Monster Hunts, Flotillas, and pillaging are never a problem for this bunch of vicious pirates. Of course men are encouraged to join this crew ruled by woman, but will serve as their subordinates. If you come across one of their ships sailing the midnight ocean, stay clear or they'll rob you of all your goods!

This crew has merged with Midnight Maniaks.

Crew Rules

1. One vote per pirate.

2. Only adults or mature teens are allowed into the crew.

3. Please follow the unwritten codes of conduct (e.g., ask permission before boarding a ship, do not question the Captain, etc.).

Crew Stalls

Alert: Distillery Papaya and Byrne, Shipyard on Turtle (Rastamon)

Ball: Ironworking on Turtle

Eillem: Weavery on Turtle, Tailor on Turtle, Furnisher on Turtle

Leiana: Weavery on Oyster, Furnisher on Oyster

Morganelle: Tailor on Turtle

Nedra: Weavery on Papaya, Apothecary on Papaya

External Links

Anchor Management Flag Forum