Cnossos Island monument

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The Cnossos Island monument is located between the two trees near the center of the island.

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Cnossos Island was governed swiftly and justly by the venerable Uzi under the auspices of the flag La Nueva Revolucion.

It was home to these allied crews:
132 in Orange Revolution of the flag "La Nueva Revolucion"
31 in The Mighty Pirates of the flag "La Nueva Revolucion"
14 in Conspiracy of the flag "La Nueva Revolucion"
10 in Wreckage of the flag "La Nueva Revolucion"
10 in Orange Lyceum of the flag "La Nueva Revolucion"
9 in Buccaneers o' Booty of the flag "La Nueva Revolucion"

It was home to these independent crews:
40 in Tempesta Mortale of the flag "Eccezionale"
17 in MSU Pilliagers of the flag "College Crews"
14 in Comedy Bliss Option
10 in Big Daddy Angelslave of the flag "Pimps UP Ho's DOWN"
10 in Cult of the Red Mantis
8 in The Fat Ladys of the flag "The Soofas Network"
8 in Death Raiders of the flag "AceStar Raiders"
6 in The Wailin' Sailors
5 in Mythical Knights of the flag "Eye of the Storm"
5 in Shiverin' Sea Shurikens of the flag "Last Exiles"
4 in The King of Red Lions of the flag "Avariel"
4 in Fathomless Demons of the flag "Thales' League"
3 in The Scuppering Barnacles
3 in Seven Sails of the flag "End Sails"