
From YPPedia

Chief is currently a senior officer and alchemist of the crew Iron Fist and a member of the flag Effective Immediately on the Malachite Ocean.


He started playing as soon as the ocean was released and soon purchased a sloop. His first pillage was a huge success which led to many future successful pillages. He first joined a crew under the leadership and captaincy of a pirate called Thorn. He left the crew at the rank of officer to join Sublime for the first time but shortly left the crew to join Skribblah, a friend of his in a new crew. However, due to the inactivity of the crew Chief left as soon as he could purchase a War Brig so he could sustain himself. Cheif joined Sublime for the second time and was immediately given the rank of fleet officer. He was quickly empowered with the title of alchemist after his amazing feats with the art. A week after he had joined his captain, Jishen, bestowed upon him the rank of senior officer. Chief was immensely pleased. Later a member of Loose Cannons.

Current Life and Enjoyments

Chief wb.jpg

Chief enjoys all of the work puzzles, poker, bilging, sea monster hunting, flotillas, blockades, and pillages.

Chief retired from the title alchemist to become the crew ambassador. Chief is currently running a distilling stall with the help of one of his crew mates. He is also a manager of an ironworking stall.