Cheezits of Doom

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Cheezits of Doom at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Bsdogbones
Senior Officer(s) Toontask Zaltos Jocely
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Black Wave
Founded 15 January, 2009
merged with The Viridian Force as of 24 June, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info


Cheezits of Doom was a crew on the Viridian Ocean created on January 15th 2009.

It was headed by Bsdogbones and its captain and first mate Toontask

Rumored fame achieved 1/19/09

As they hit that day, the 19th, they found themselves hitting a wall. Most of their members had come from an older crew The Viridian Force

A conflict would soon arise from this......

The conflict soon passed as their old captain Cilon found that he indeed could not stay mad at them. Yet deep down, a battle was indeed wanted by Bsdogbones....

Established fame achieved 1/25/09

The conflict that Bsdogbones wanted though, soon passed, and nothing was wanted anymore.

The Cheezits created a flag (Black Wave) and went about their daily lives. Their dreams were not so large at that time, they just wished to live peacefully on the ocean.

All their dreams ended on April 26th 2009 when Bsdogbones decided to merge back into Cilon's crew, The Viridian Force.

On May 3 the crew joined together again to create the crew Revenge of the Cheezits

The merge obviously did not last long.

Public Statement

We are the Cheezits who pillage the sea

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