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Chavman is a senior officer of the crew Nasty Drunks and member of the flag Raving Notion. He sails the Sage Ocean.


Chavman came to the PP world with nothing but the clothes he wore and a shack on Greenwich Island. After many different crews, Chavman found his best friends ever, Ciaria and Hunniebee, though they were not called that at the time. Through good and bad those three stayed together, well most of the time anyway. The three joined a crew run by Gwyen. After she quit the PP world, Chavman succeeded her in control of the crew with Ciaria and Hunniebee as his right-hand women.

The crew was a natural disaster as Chavman wasn't the best at organization and the three were broken as they went their separate ways. Chavman went to several different crews most of which have now disbanded, when he found the Nasty Drunks where he is currently sailing the seven seas.