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Cassiopeias is captain of the crew True North and queen of the flag Northern Lights on the Sage Ocean.


Life as a pirate began for Cassiopeias in July of 2007. She was coerced into piracy by two of her children, Charlisse and Cowboymarsoc. They taught her to pillage and plunder and then drug her along when they joined the crew Rednecks Revenge of the flag Imperial Rednecks where Cassiopeias worked very hard and eventually became senior officer, first mate, and princess of the flag.

After leaving Rednecks Revenge, she created her own crew, True North, followed shortly by the flag, Northern Lights in April of 2008.

Cassiopeias has an insatiable hunger for adventure and fun. In her crew you may find yourself swept into a spontaneous game of hide and seek, or you may hear rumors of her frequent escapades with her friend Jeethro, her sis Stacysparrow, or her daughter Charlisse.