
From YPPedia
Captaingoth has no portrait

Captaingoth was a pirate on the Viridian Ocean but was deleted.



Captaingoth started out jobbing for crews and joining them in his greenie days until he found a crew called Viridian Sailors, a crew in the Imperial Coalition flag. He met loads of friends such as Curapica who became his best mate. The majority of the crew were young and he began noticing that Viridian Sailors was getting smaller as senior officers such as Mooglegirl and a few others left. The crew continued to get smaller until Captaingoth was one of the last senior officers left.

About one year after joining he decided he had been in Viridian Sailors long enough and needed to make his way out; also, the royalty of Imperial Coalition was getting cranky at him.

Captaingoth made his way away from Viridian Sailors and found a crew run by Cooladrian. He joined the crew and helped them, but eventually decided he was a leader, not a follower. He left the crew and started his own. This was the beginning of Captaingoth's reign.

Captaingoth started a crew called gothic wrath on February 9th. He then started his own flag called king of the vampyres on February 25th.