Bubbaspike is a senior officer of Bu Shi Do, flying the flag of Death before Dishonor on the Midnight Ocean.
Bubbaspike washed upon the shores of the Cobalt ocean in April of 2005. He went independent for about 5 months, finally deciding to join Valkyrie Rising. He quickly worked his way up to SO and one of the top bnavvers in the ocean. In December of 2006, the crew had gotten fed up with the drama surrounding Foilistc and Imperial Margarine so they moved to Midnight.
On Midnight, they created the crew Snot Rags and the flag Blow Hard. Once again, he quickly climbed to the top as an SO and one of the top pillagers in the crew. He also started building up the war fleet in an attempt to take an island. In March of 2007, Snot Rags suffered the loss of Ravindravin and Meems, two of the top pillagers in the crew. In April, Snot Rags decided to host a Easter event with 500k in prizes, Bubbaspike was the leader of the event. In June, the crew began to fall apart, Bubbaspike had left for vacation and there was not much pillaging going on while he was away. In September, the crew had officially fallen apart, nobody was pillaging, the captain, Meanjeans, had left and there was a lot of tension between crew mates. On October 22nd, Snot Rags had split into many different crews. On October 23rd, Bubbaspike decided to step down as Monarch and leave, turning everything over to Cavaliers. On October 24th, Cavaliers merged the crew with The Kindred Souls, in which it disbanded Blow Hard and Snot Rags. On October 25th, Bubbaspike joined Bu Shi Do, under the flag of Death Before Dishonor, where he currently resides.
- Ex-Governor of Tinga
- Ex-Governor of Eclipse
- Ex-Governor of Terra Island
- Top Bnav Experience on Cobalt July 22, 2007-October 3, 2007
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