
From YPPedia

Bren is a pirate on the Malachite Ocean.

Contributions, Accomplishments, and Other Facts


Bren vaguely remembers playing this game a few years ago, but had lost his previous character due to being sent to Davy Jone's Locker. Fast forward to 2009, Bren decided to give this game another go after reading a forum post on "Something Awful". While he searched for the right crew for him, he joined a few other crews and while they decent, they weren't very active and thus Bren kept searching until he pillaged with "Phoenix Ascension". At first, he was surprised at the activity of the crew, with crew chat going on and about. The level of activity was never present with other crews he pillaged with. He was unsure about the crew at first, but after a pillage with them, he decided to join them and did not regret that decision.

Over the months, he managed to get SO after many pillages and donations to the crew fund. However as the Nightshade Island (Malachite) blockade approached, decisions to join an SMA on Malachite and focusing too much on the island, the crew lost a lot of it's former value. Coupled with the fact that the captain was acting strange over the island, he decided to leave them and join Celestia, which is a great crew itself. He's currently an officer and runs CIs constantly.