Black Rose of Death

From YPPedia
Black Rose of Death at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Whispers
Senior Officer(s) Candyh, Deadthumper, Megath
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Steel Petals
Founded 19 December, 2006
Last updated on 2 January, 2011
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Black Rose of Death is a crew that sails the Emerald Ocean.


Black Rose of Death was founded on 19 December, 2006 on the Sage Ocean.

Public Statement

....And the blue skies swirled with violet the pirates held their breath.....and the ocean fell under the shroud....of the BLACK ROSE OF DEATH.....Come sail with Pirates in search of FUN 'n BOOTY !!

Extended Public Statement

Ahoy Mates! As we be a new crew to Sage Ocean, we are far from new to the game. Some of us have been pillagin' these deadly seas since they were formed. We are a crew in search of FUN 'n BOOTY! We are not interested in drama, catfights or excuses. We be here like most for fun, friends and to have a good time playing the game. With that bein' said come join us in the deadly waters of Sage and have a blast. If interested in joining the crew as a full member just ask!

As we are a small crew we be interested in becoming a strong growin' force to be reckon'd with.

If ye be a jobber and wish to join the crew feel free to ask! While promotion requirements are strict they are so to ensure crew representation and strength. All stat requirements are listed in the Private Statement.

So come sail with us and have fun!!

Crew Articles

While we are all here to have fun, there are rules ye will be required to follow aboard any ship. They be as follows:

  1. The Commanding Officer of the ship has final say in all matters!
  2. Ye are expected to be working at all times. Lazing about will not be tolerated, nor will disrespect or plain rudeness! Any of these will get you a warning then planked!!!
  3. Anyone leaving during battle or planked will automatically be docked when the booty is divided.
  4. While at sea there will be no challenges allowed on board.
  5. Guns and Nav will be assigned by ship CO... DON'T ask!
  6. We can't split booty at sea (the game won't allow it) it can only be done at port....
  7. Don't ask to port either, ship will port at CO's discretion.

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