
From YPPedia
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Bibb is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean.


Bibb began her pirate career as Frostikitti, who was a senior officer in the crew Dark Revenge on the Viridian Ocean. She was saving up for a ship, and a familiar, but unfortunately, her account was hacked. Bibb took refuge with a friend, as the new character Bubbsies. As Bubbsies, she became richer and richer, amassing more than twelve houses, ships, pets, and even a few boyfriends. Bubbsies was an independent pirate, and like Frostikitti, she sailed the Viridian Ocean. She was saving her PoE to become a captain of a crew (she only had 3k to go). She left Puzzle Pirates for about a month, and then came back to find that she had lost all her houses. After a long long story, she deleted her account, and became Bibb.