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Beermann is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean.


To the best of his recollection, Beermann's first memory on Viridian ocean was from August 15, 2005. Recruited by his RL friend Benjideblade in the crew Still Of The Night, Beermann quickly took to the ocean and soon called it home. He quickly learned of his desire to learn all the puzzles and made a small name for himself with a gunning tutorial he offered up to his crew. It can still be found here (although Beermann quickly admits he has learned a lot since then, and credits Disneymama for his final training. The tutorial needs some updating...).

Beermann remained a loyal fleet officer in Still Of The Night for almost two years. Still Of The Night grew to widespread success, but Beermann realized what he missed most was helping build the crew. On July 15th, 2007, Beermann left Still Of The Night to join New Dawn and some of the original officers of Still Of The Night hoping to find his passion for the ocean again.

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