Baghlah pillaging guide

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Ahoy mate. You be wanting to learn a bit about pillaging with a baghlah aye? Well you've come to the right place. First off, you should read the sloop pillaging guide to give you a bit of an idea of what you need to do.


A Baghlah is the sixth largest ship (going downwards from Grand Frigate) available to sail. There are 3 gunning stations aboard which can load a maximum of 12 cannons. The cannon size is medium.

It is suggested to start with a stock in the range of 100 to 200 medium cannonballs for a pillage, since the cannonballs can go to waste fairly quickly.

It is also suggested to set sail with 30 to 50 units of Fine Rum, which is recommended for all ships.

Starting a pillage

Reading the sloop pillaging guide will give you a fair understanding as to what a pillage entails, and what basic preparations you need to carry out before setting off.

The maximum crew a Baghlah can hold is 18 people. It is advisable to set sail when 8 to 12 jobbers are present. Baghlahs tend to receive a fair amount of jobbing applications quite fast, so setting off before the required number is met isn't a problem.

It is also recommended to have a few crew-members aboard, in particular an officer or above. They can take over and finish the pillage in case of emergency if you need to be away for a while.


The duty stations available on a Baghlah are as follows:

Navigation 1

Sailing 6

Carpentry 4

Bilging 4

Gunnery 3

It is suggested to have 4 sailors, 2 bilgers and 2 carpenters on their respective stations at all times. It is also strongly recommended to have at least 1 gunner manning the cannons, unless all 12 are loaded.

If the ship is full (18 people is the maximum crew) it is preferable to have 3 gunners to man all 3 stations.