Aslynn is a cabin person and damsel of the crew Rogue flying in the flag What The Falchion on the Cerulean Ocean. She is also an ensign in the Kirin Island navy.
Aslynn washed up on the shores of Beta Island of the Sapphire Archipelago of the Cerulean Ocean. After inheriting the booty of former pirate Roseatte, Aslynn was ready to start her pirating career.
Quickly, she moved into a townhouse with brothers Lexington and Drygial on Kirin Island. After settling in, Aslynn quickly searched for a crew. After jumping between a few crews for a while, (including Ocean Commotion and Cobalt Explorers) she met the members of the crew Rogue at a puzzling party and she decided that this was the crew for her. She has enjoyed pillaging and plundering with her crew and blockading with her flag. She is not yet a subscriber but might consider subscribing in the future.
Ivar | |
Murk | |
Emma | |
Perfect | |
Manda |
None... so far
Event Participation
March 10, 2012: Aslynn helps her flag What The Falchion win the blockade for Gaea Island.
March 24, 2012: Aslynn helps her flag What The Falchion win the blockade for Chaparral Island.
Aslynn has two alts on the Cerulean Ocean named Cathrynn and Jasmynn.
Aslynn does not currently have any avatars but would like to get some in the future.