Art:Spring Egguinox: 2014
Spring Egguinox 2014 was a contest run by Apollo during Easter time, 2014. Similar to the December Daily Doodles, a new egg-themed contest was posted every day for approximately two weeks, from the 17th to the 30th of April.
Spring Egguinox - Oodles of Doodles! was the eighth series of Spring Egguinox events. This page documents the contests, winners and prizes of the Spring Egguinox events in April 2014.
EGGY DOODLE #1: Dexla Zigzag (17th April) 
Write a short poem set in the Puzzle Pirates world that also includes something related to science fiction that does NOT feature in our Puzzle Pirates world.
- Winners
- Full years I've sailed uncharted seas, in search of the exotic;
- For those who train blue yeti pets, and monkeys turned necrotic.
- I've met a dragon-taming mate, and countless types of birder;
- I cannot rest, until I find, my fantasy nerf herder.*
- *I likes 'em scruffy-looking.
Herowena of Cerulean won a light blue lily trinket, Dexla's zigzag pattern egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
- Your new brown familiar, much to my chagrin,
- Has really been running amok
- You say it's a monkey you bought at the inn
- But it's obviously an Ewok.
Aethera of Cerulean won a light blue lily trinket, Dexla's zigzag pattern egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Twilah, Chocorose, Greylady, Capnsilver, Isza, Bunnylaroo, and Budclare, who all received Dexla's zigzag pattern egg.
EGGY DOODLE #2: Inessa (18th April) 
Draw a piratey frieze.
- Winner
Cattrin of Cerulean won white orchids, Inessa's ancient Athenian egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Chocorose, Twilah, Yumisa, and Astrielle, who also received Inessa's egg.
EGGY DOODLE #3: Greylady vs Pixelpixie (19th April)
The task for this doodle is to describe the master weapon designed by each of the adversaries - the hedgehog and the ippolito.
- Winner
- The hedgehog has spent many years perfecting its most deadly weapon: Seahorse-Seeking Spearing Spikes. These tiny hollow quills can be fired at will from all over the hedgehog's body. Fast moving and virtually undetectable, they are capable of exploiting the tiniest chink in an enemy's armour. Upon impact they sink deep into the victim's body whereupon they enter the bloodstream, clogging vessels and leading to massive internal haemorrhage. Certain death for ippolitos everywhere.
- Don't believe that the ippolito is totally at the hedgehog's mercy though. Deep in an underwater lair, strange mutated creatures can be seen. They are the results of the ippolito's foray into genetic modification. Having spliced the genes of pufferfish (the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world), flying fish, and archerfish, the ippolito has succeeded in creating the ultimate minion- the Aerial Archerpuff. Indoctrinated from birth to hate the land-dwelling hedgehog, these flying venomous bowmen will stop at nothing to kill their enemy. And the ippolito has a whole army of them.
- The ippolito releases the Aerial Archerpuff Army and they speed towards the hedgehog. But before the army can reach it, the hedgehog fires the Seahorse-Seeking Spearing Spikes! The hedgehog just sees the ippolito's look of horror before being overrun by Aerial Archerpuffs. Winner? In war, there are no winners.
Chocorose of Cerulean won a purple orchid, Greylady's curled hedgehog egg, Pixelpixie's golden ippolito egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Greylady, Firstround, Bunnylaroo, Herowena, and Astrielle, who also received Greylady's curled hedgehog and Pixelpixie's golden ippolito eggs.
EGGY DOODLE #4: Dexla Weave (21st April) 
Make something piratey with paper, either by weaving paper or with origami, using at least two colors of paper.
- Winner
Phakey of Cerulean won a rose-colored daisy, Dexla's Easter weave egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Gorev, Chocorose, and Astrielle, who also received Dexla's Easter weave egg.
EGGY DOODLE #5: Faeree Werewolf (22nd April) 
Your task today is to create a lolpet. In particular, you must create a lolwerepet.
- Winners
Yumisa of Meridian won a maroon daisy, Faeree's pirate werewolf egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Phakey of Cerulean won a maroon daisy, Faeree's pirate werewolf egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Chocorose, Herowena, Minsiem, and Greylady, who also received Faeree's pirate werewolf egg.
EGGY DOODLE #6: Rechiva (23rd April) 
Today's task is to draw an X-ray of a Puzzle Pirates creature - be it pirate, pet or monster.
- Winners
Velternal of Meridian won a lavender rose, Rechiva's china egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Cattrin of Cerulean won a lavender rose, Rechiva's china egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Yumisa, Astrielle, and Budclare, who also received Rechiva's china egg.
EGGY DOODLE #7: Faeree Royal (24th April) 
Your task today is to create an item inspired by this egg for the Monarchs in the Puzzle Pirates game. This might be an item of clothing, or a trinket, or a trophy, or an item of furniture, or even a Monarch-only pet!
- Winner
Chocorose of Cerulean won gold lilies, Faeree's royal egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Cattrin, Astrielle, and Greylady, who also received Faeree's royal egg.
EGGY DOODLE #8: First and Last (25th April)

Create a stained glass picture depicting some aspect of love in our Puzzle Pirates world.
- Winner
Greylady of Meridian won aqua orchids, Firstround's pink amore egg, Lastcall's stained glass egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Cattrin, Chocorose, and Budclare, who also received Firstround's pink amore egg and Lastcall's stained glass egg.
EGGY DOODLE #9: Twinkle (27th April) 
Your task today is to show us the diary entry a future archaeologist makes to describe an object found on one of our Puzzle Pirates islands--an item that exists in game at the moment--and what s/he thinks it might have been.
- Thursday, August 4th, 2016
- Groundbreaking discovery! This reshapes our understanding of this maritime nomadic tribe completely! Within dig site 42-C, we have found the remains of a carefully crafted wooden basin that once contained the most precious possession of these primitive people. This container was clearly placed as the main focal point within the chamber of pirate treasure, right by the entryway. Indications lead us to conclude that what we previously determined to be a mere hoard of plunder is something beyond what we envisioned. Our paleoethnobotanist colleague has confirmed that the fragments of foliage remains are that of a petunia plant. As to why the pirates worshipped this plant, we can only speculate. There is no definitive documentation of the subject. But to think that in fact this society's true purpose of pillage and plunder was in service of a bowl of petunias! Perhaps it correlates to some superstition of the powers of the ocean, and the relation between water and plant life. Perhaps the pirates merely feared that which they did not understand, and fear turned to reverence. We must carefully consider the ramifications of this discovery, as it may indicate previous hypotheses were poorly founded.
Minsiem of Cerulean won navy roses, Twinkle's malachite egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Honorable Mentions were awarded to: Bunnylaroo, Pomfret, Cattrin, and Budclare, who also recieved Twinkle's Malachite egg.
EGGY DOODLE #10: Firstround Sunrise (28th April) 
Use a fruit salad to create a collage or mosaic depicting flowers. You may either create your picture by computer, using only the fruit images from the game, or create your picture in real life, using actual fruit.
- Winner
Herowena of Cerulean won mint lilies, Firstround's Sunrise egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Astrielle, Gorev and Velternal, who also won Firstround's Sunrise egg.
EGGY DOODLE #11: The Last One (29th April) 
I would like you to draw a picture of your own pirate as a baby. You should include an item that indicates an activity you now enjoy most as a Puzzle Pirate (e.g. a puzzle, event-type, social activity).
- Winner
Pixelpixie of Cerulean won magenta orchids, an Apollo egg, and five Shiny Sun Points.
Runners-up Cattrin and Velternal won eggs!
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Greylady, Bunnylaroo, Darkfaery, and Phakey, who each received the egg of their choice.
Special Mentions Chocorose, Gorev, Herowena, Astrielle, and Budclare also received the egg of their choice, on the grounds that everyone's entry was cute and Apollo felt like it.