Art:Deformed Eel

From YPPedia
This article is an entry in the Piratical Guide to Oceanic Life muse game.

Deformed Eel

Scientific Name: Gymnothorax deformidia

These beasts live deep beneath the surface of the water, usually sleeping within the thin, withering leaves of the giant Underwater Fanged Pine.

Deformed Eels are usually so hideous that the mere sight of one can scar a pirate for life. Purple goo, which attracts the tiny Muck-Eating Minnow, oozes from the protruding lumps on the Eels' green, rotten-looking flesh, and the right side of their jaw is twice as large as the left side. Their three eyes have also grown, making them look like they are bulging from the eels' head.

The deformity has also affected their insides, making them immune to fire but unable to produce their own heat. Therefore, they must either eat the Burning Jellyfish or die from lack of body heat. They use their well-developed eyes to search the surface for their prey, then rush toward the surface toward any that they see. It lunges toward them with a force that pushes him toward the surface and activated the Jellyfishes' burning, warming the Deformed Eel's insides. They have been known to mistake small ships or people for Burning Jellyfish, since they are deep below the surface when they look for their prey.

This creature originally created by Zyborg[1].