Art:Burning Jellyfish

From YPPedia
This article is an entry in the Piratical Guide to Oceanic Life muse game.

Burning Jellyfish

Scientific Name: Chrysaora Flamibus

These unusual jellyfish can be find in the north and northeastern waters of the oceans, generally over the remains sunken ships. They almost never come closer than one or two fathoms from the surface.

Easily identifiable by their red and purple mottled flesh, they are harmless when encountered in the water. Bringing them out of the water, however, is often fatal to both pirate and jellyfish. Exposure to the air will ignite the flesh of the jellyfish in seconds, causing instantaneous fires. Great care must be taken that none of these creatures become tangled in fishing nets or anchor ropes, as even one can create a ship-crippling fire.

Naturally afraid of the Deformed Eel, schools of these jellyfish coming to the surface almost always predate atacks by this fearsome beat.

Burning Jellyfish are primarily herbivorous, though they have been seen to feast upon the soft insides of the Nordic Fish.

This creature originally created by Orsino[1].