
From YPPedia

Argin is currently captain of the The Canoe Croo and a lord of the flag No Apologies on the Emerald Ocean.

Contributions and Achievements

  • Captain of the crewThe Canoe Croo
  • Former member of the flag Twisted Parallax
  • Commander in the Admiral Island Navy in the Gull Archipelago
  • Sunk a War Frigate with a Sloop in a blockade event
  • Was bribed 10000 PoE to shut up


The name Argin resulted from his original pirate name (of which he forgot the password to the account) Argyhargyblargy, or something to that effect.

Argin joined the Sage community in the year 2006 with his best friend Eats (no longer a pirate), and Buccaneers (Eats' brother, also no longer a pirate)

Argin currently resides on the Emerald Ocean, and although has visited other oceans, he does not have a major account on any of them.