Union Jack

From YPPedia
Union Jack at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Monarch Gerbilmaster of Ze Roaring NightHawks
Member crew(s) The Death Bringers, Ze Roaring NightHawks
Founded 24 November, 2006
Dormant or disbanded as of 27 July, 2009
Favicon.png Flag Info

Union Jack is a flag on the Viridian Ocean.


The flag union jack was formed on November 24th, 2006 and quickly worked its way up to be able to blockade islands. It was decided between Gerbilmaster and Gritter, that Gerbilmaster should be governor of any islands taken as he knows the game well, is good friends with Gritter, the original flag monarch. The flag hopes to be a top flag on the Viridian Ocean eventually.

Captains of a crew who would like to join this flag or start an alliance should contact Gerbilmaster, or Gritter who are normally on 10AM - 10PM (GMT).

At some stage the flag was renamed Union Jack.

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