Template:Werewolf Trinket basic paragraph/doc

From YPPedia
This is a usage of the Template:Werewolf Trinket basic paragraph.


These usage notes will not be included in articles bearing this template.

This template can display a basic text and image for Werewolf trinkets. This template should be used like following :

{{Werewolf Trinket basic paragraph
| trinket = trinket name
| release = release date (yyyy-mm-dd)
| custom = additional text
| plural = yes / no
| navigation = yes / no
| greyexists = yes / no


name number default value note
trinket 1 A trinket's name as it would appear in-game. If you don't set this field, this template will display a page name as a trinket name.
release 2 Set the date of the release note to this field. (optional)
e.g, if the trinket was released on 5 Feb, 2008, set "release=2008-02-05" and this template will link to release_2008-02-05.
custom 3 If you set something to this field, this template will show it between opening paragraph and color section. (optional)
plural 4 If the trinket has a pluralised name, set yes to this field like "plural=yes" . (optional)
navigation If you don't set this field or set "navigation=yes", this template will show the Template:Navigation Werewolf trinkets. (optional)
greyexists If the trinket never spawned in grey, set "greyexists=no". This will prevent an empty box from being displayed for the grey trinket. (optional)


Default settings

{{Werewolf Trinket basic paragraph
| trinket = Wolf's Head Crest
| release = 2023-10-20
| custom = It is one of the more common types of [[werewolf]] trinkets.
The Wolf's Head Crest is a type of trinket that can be obtained from Werewolf expeditions. It was first seen in release 2023-10-20. It is one of the more common types of werewolf trinkets. The Wolf's Head Crest is available in all the colors of the werewolf trinket palette.

Vampirate Rewards
release 2021-09-04 Breath Spray | Ornate "Wine" Bottle | Sack o' Mustard Seeds | Vampiratical Crew Pin | Vampiratical Cufflink
See also : Vampirate expedition


When the article includes this template, it will be categorized into Category:Trinkets.
Note : If you don't need to categorize, you can set "no" to an additional filed named "categorize" (e.g., "categorize=no"), and this template will not categorize the article.

To Edit/Modify this template

See also

This template implements below :