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Squito is a fleet officer of the crew Crimson Assurance and lord of the flag Spontaneous Combustion on the Sage Ocean. Squito plays on all oceans under the same name.

Awards and Accomplishments

  • Has held the #1 standing in Rumble for several consecutive days on Sage, Hunter and Viridian oceans simultaneously.
  • Won 2 antediluvian conch artifacts on Sage, both in rumble tournys.
Multiple Familiars
  1. September 30 - Won a brown/tan parrot on Sage in an automated rumble tournament
  2. October 14 - Won a tan octopus on Sage in an automated drink tournament
  3. December 14 - Won a orange/tan parrot on Sage in an automated rumble tournament
  4. December 25 - Won a orange/tan parrot on Viridian in an automated rumble tournament
  • Year - 2008
  1. January 2 - Won a orange/tan parrot on Sage in an automated rumble tournament
  2. January 11 - Won a orange/tan parrot on Sage in an automated rumble tournament
  3. January 13 - Won a orange/tan parrot on Hunter in an automated rumble tournament
  4. January 22 - Won a orange/tan parrot on Viridian in an automated rumble tournament
  5. January 31 - Won a orange/tan parrot on Viridian in an automated rumble tournament