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PFRC at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Akerasi
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Spontaneous Combustion
Founded 4 December, 2005
Dormant as of 6 January, 2011

PFRC, also known as the Permanent Floating Riot Club, was a crew that sailed the Sage Ocean. The crew flew the flag of T-N-T.

Most of the pirates in PFRC started playing on Sage, rather than trasfering from other oceans.

PFRC is very selective regarding who they invite to join the crew. Jobbers are watched during pillages, and those that show (through action and personality) that they are PFRC material are invited to join after several successful runs.

The crew is willing to work as a mercenary crew for pretty much anyone, provided the pay is something that will help them build their own blockade fleet faster.

History of PFRC

PFRC was founded on 4 December, 2005 by Akerasi, who was a Senior Officer in the Scarlett Raiders, because his philosophy for a crew didn't match that of the rest of the Scarlett Raiders' leadership. The crew was originally comprised of former pirates of Scarlett Raiders, many of whom Akerasi personally trained within Scarlett Raiders.

Panic and Pain soon merged into PFRC, adding many more skilled pirates. Other collapsing crews also had their upper echelons merged into PFRC.

The crew acted as mercenary crew in multiple Sage blockades, including Blackthorpe I (with The Infested) and Admiral I (with the Rogues of Sage).

Public Statement

Welcome to Akerasi's private little place. This crew mostly exists so that Akerasi doesn't have to worry about anything like crew politics. I'm not especially recruiting, but if there's a good reason you want to join, make a case to me and I might let you in. It's been a long, fun time on this ocean, and my little private home is just a place for me to run pillages, do merchant stuff, and perhaps even hunt some Sea Monsters.

Crew Articles

We're looking for a lot of new mates... but only ones that fit the PFRC ideal. One of these ideals is the near-legendary Seven Questions. I don't want to hear them on my pillages. If I do, the offender WILL be planked, excepting for the ONE exception as noted.

  1. When do we port? (When the OIC feels like it, and not before.)
  2. Can I join? (Maybe, but you just made the answer no if you asked ;). EXCEPTION: An established Officer may ask, once, to join without us thinking this is a bad thing. This is because we're reluctant to poach officers by asking them.)
  3. Can I gun? (If you are to gun, you were probably already ordered. You may state that you can gun adequately as a purely informational thing, but it is the OIC's judgement as to whether you'll be gunning.)
  4. Can I nav? (No.)
  5. Can I bNav? (No.)
  6. When will I get paid? (When we decide to split. Not before.)
  7. If I leave will I be paid? (Yes. But see the following conditions.)

If ye leave the vessel before the end of the tour (especially during battle), either by the Plank or without at least telling the Officers why ye're leaving, ye will be given a -1 on booty division, so tell the Officer in Charge why ye're leaving if ye have to go. Ye will also be planked for not doing yer job, for complaining in general, and for being a bother to the Officer in Charge. We do not hesitate to use the plank here.

You might be interested in joining PFRC if:

  1. Ye have no crew, have good skills, and want to know when we're going out on pillages.
  2. Ye're a Cabin Person/Pirate in a crew that isn't promoting ye, and more skilled than half of its officers.
  3. Yer crew doesn't appreciate yer leaderboard-level stats.
  4. Ye're an officer that's really skilled but stuck taking out war brigs filled with noobs because that's what yer captain wants of ye.
  5. Ye're in it for the money and have the skills to back it up. We divide even and make more money per pillage than most crews.

But as I said, we're always looking for good pirates, and we'll notice ye if ye pillage with us.

Thank you for actually reading this, if you are a jobber, as that will make both of our lives easier.