
From YPPedia
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Mickelly was formerly a pirate on the Sage Ocean.



Mickelly was once a pirate on the subscriber ocean, Midnight, where he was known as Kanyewest. Mickelly was the name of a friend from the Midnight Ocean, who later joined the Sage Ocean as Redshadow. Mickelly of Sage left the Midnight Ocean because he did not subscribe, but he brought over the skills from Kanyewest.

With new swords and easier puzzles, Mickelly quickly rose to ultimate standing in Sailing and Swordfighting. He was not part of a crew in his first months of playing, but later joined Midnight Buddy as an officer. He soon worked his way up through the ranks. Mickelly made quick money from Swordfighting and from pillaging, and he soon bought three painted sloops and a cottage on Admiral Island.