
From YPPedia

Kadazzle is well known on the Sage Ocean and has adjusted well over the past changes in his piratey career. Kadazzle started off his piratey career on Viridian but once Sage opened up he couldn't wait to join the new ocean. Kadazzle currently plays on all four doubloon oceans! On Sage, Kadazzle currently resides in the crew Safety Scissors.

Contributions and Accomplishments

  • Former captain of the crew Animus Superstes.
  • Former prince of the flag Superbus Haliaetos.
  • Won the Murder Mystery Contest at the QT Ball, which got him the sloop Fantastic Sailfish which he later sold in an auction.
  • Former captain of Trouble and Terror.
  • Came in 2nd at PA's "PvP King of the Hill".
  • Former captain of Peius-Monitus.
  • Former captain of Capitalism Kills.
  • Former Monarch of Big Bad Wolf.