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Fafdsfrmarly is captain of the crew Evil for Pie on the Sage Ocean. He has been in many crews, he has existed since about March 15th. Maybe?


He once had settled in Sea Stalkerz, until the crew died after the capt went dormant. That happened about 1.5 months after he joined.

Most ever outnumbered in sf with a victory...... 1 vs. 5

Most major mistake...... Give lynxlynx Senior Officer rank

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He and his friends started saving up fer a crew from about November 4th. At first, it seemed fate was against him, as his ship on hunter was sunk, so he needed another. Then, when he got 15 doubs, he was hacked. But then fate interviened again. One of his friends Evilpiegal bought doubloons with real money, on November 10th, and so his crew began.