User talk:Chao super

From YPPedia

Uploading images

Hello, and welcome to the YPPedia! Thanks for contributing!

I noticed you were uploading images incorrectly. Here's how to do upload portrait images.

  • In-game, click on your portrait image - that should load up a web page with the portrait on.
  • Right click on the image, and select save as.
  • Save it somewhere on your hard drive, and name it Pirates-Piratename.jpg - where Piratename is the name of the pirate.
  • Go to the upload file page
  • Browse for the image and select it.
  • Ensure the destination file name is Image:Pirates-Piratename.jpg (again, with whatever Piratename happens to be)
  • In the description box, write the following: {{portrait image}}
  • Press submit

It's important you follow that procedure, as many important things rest on the fact your portrait image is at a certain place.

If you'd like to leave me a message, click on this link and add a comment by clicking the plus (+) sign at the top. If you have a general question regarding the YPPedia, ask it on the help desk, and don't forget to sign it with your name - you can do this by typing two hyphens followed by four tildes (~) --Piplicus 11:35, 2 January 2007 (PST)