Lunett is Captain of the crew The Vicious Fishes and monarch of the flag Blood in the Water on the Hunter Ocean. She currently resides in a townhouse on Aimuari Island.
Lunett has been an on-again, off-again pirate since 2007, sailing in various oceans under different names, most notably Ladyraid (Midnight Ocean, Cobalt Ocean, Hunter Ocean) and Ahrtemis (Hunter Ocean). In fall of 2009, Lunett became affiliated with the crew The Crimson Cows, quickly achieving the rank of senior officer and becoming lady of their flag -The Dog Pack-. After a brief hiatus, Lunett returned to find The Crimson Cows no longer functioning as a crew, and joined up with The Eclipse, which was constructed from remaining members. Due to inactivity, The Eclipse also broke apart, and after another hiatus, Lunett joined Cardinal Sin for a brief run before settling down with The Vicious Fishes, where she remains today.