Unholy Justice

From YPPedia
Unholy Justice at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Mems
Senior Officer(s) Andrax, Babysweet, Harryssjeng, Samwel
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Tainted Purity
Founded 8 December, 2008
disbanded as of 18 May, 2009
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Crews-Unholy Justice.jpg

Unholy Justice is a crew on the Viridian Ocean.

Public Statement

Hellooow there,wanne join? first I wanne warn you..we have weird and creazy peepz in this crew,we also have sexual talks in here sometimes too btw.... So if you still like to join , ask any officer who's online.


Cabin Person : just ask a officer online ^_^.

Pirate : respected in Bilge,sails and carp. Also know that you cant gun without permission ( duh )

Officer : at least Respected/master in bilge,sails,carp and gun. Bnaving : respected+

Fleet Officer : Master/Renowned + in all your piray's. Bnaving master+

Senior Officer : hmm renowned in your piray's and GM in Bnaving. OR if I can trust you enough :)

Captain : Mems and Babysweet

P.s Zao's pants + the rest belongs to us ( me and babbi ) he HAVE to give us the plesure when we need when we want. * amen to that *