The Spartans Of Chaos

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The Spartans Of Chaos at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain None
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation None
Founded 4 November, 2007
dormant as of 1 July, 2008
Favicon.png Crew Info

The Spartans Of Chaos is a crew on the Viridian Ocean. The crew currently has no flag.


All hail the Chaos Spartans!

We are the Chaos Spartans, a new crew looking for loyal members.

cabin person: whats one of them?

pirate: automatically upon joining

officer: 2 broads or a solid, and a little knowledge of how to run a pillage

fleet officer: 3 broads or 2 solids, know how to run a pillage.

senior officer: MUST have trust and be loyal to the crew.

note: alb is captain, and richardpilmo co-captains.